Rough Green Snake:
(Opheodrys aestivus)
Rough green snakes (opheodrys aestivus), sometimes called the Florida rough green snake, the northern rough green snake, grass snake or green grass snake, belongs to the colubridae family. They average in size between 22 to 32 inches long, with the record being 45 inches long.
Rough green snakes have thin bodies. They are bright green with a cream to pale yellow belly. Their chin and lips are the same color of their bellies. They also have 17 dorsal scale rows at mid body and their scales are strongly keeled. Their heads are small and oval shaped with the snout pointed and their pupils are round.
Rough green snakes are found throughout Florida. Their preferred habitats include areas such as moist meadows and woodlands, swamps and wetlands. Basically environments near water.
Rough green snakes are carnivores, primarily consuming insects, snails, crickets, grasshoppers and tree frogs.
Rough green snakes are diurnal, mainly active during the day. They are excellent climbers and is usually found climbing in low vegetation, Rough green snakes are great swimmers as well, however it is often found on the ground. These snakes are very docile. Unlike most snakes, the rough green snake allows humans to approach them closely, seldom biting. These snakes are not constrictors, as they grab its prey and swallow them alive. Rough green snakes are entirely harmless to humans and pets, although there is always a risk of a bacterial infection if bitten.