Florida Kingsnake: (Lampropeltis getula Floridana)
Florida kingsnakes (lampropeltis getula floridana), belongs to the colubridae family. They average in size between 36 to 48 inches long, with the record being 69.5 inches long.
Florida kingsnakes are thick bodied and have smooth scales. Their color patterns widely vary from brown to yellow, with over 40 yellowish cross – bands and a chain like pattern. The scales between the cross – bands start out black, but over time lighten in color to matching the cross – bands. Their belly has a checkerboard pattern. Their heads are oval shaped and their pupils are round.
Florida kingsnakes are found throughout the peninsula from Volusia County to south to Key Largo Florida. Their preferred habitats include areas such as pine – lands, hardwood hammocks, cypress strands, prairies, sugar cane plantations, strand of melaleuca and marshes.
Florida kingsnakes are carnivores, primarily consuming lizards, frogs, toads, small birds and their eggs, rodents other snakes including venomous as they are immune to their venom, and small turtles and their eggs.
Florida kingsnakes are diurnal, active during the day. During the summer they have been seen to be more active at night. They are terrestrial, preferring to be under ground or hiding under dense vegetation rarely being seen. When startled or threatened they will secrete a foul smelling odor and vibrate their tails, they will strike and bite if needed, their bite is strong, powerful and painful, but they seldom bite. Florida kingsnakes are harmless to humans. The Florida kingsnake also integrates with the eastern kingsnake.